Creating & Uploading a new Pricing Profile

Creating & Uploading a new Pricing Profile

Follow the steps to upload a new Pricing Profile:
1. Download the Azure Stack Meters.xlsx file
2. Fill the sheet with required values (to be filled by Client)
3. Ensure the file should have Sheet1 only. Remove the sheet 2, sheet 3 etc.,

4. Save the file (the location should be as billing.exe)

5. Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator

6. Execute the cmdlet ‘.\Billing.exe CreateAzureStackPricingJson’
    a. It will list the excel files available in the Billing tool location
    b. Enter the file of Pricing Profile to convert as JSON one (don’t give .xlsx)

7. New Azure Stack Profile will be created in the same location:

8. To Upload the newly created pricing profile. Navigate to Azure Stack Admin Portal --> Billing --> Pricing Profile

9. Login to Billing RP VM --> IIS Manager --> Sites --> Edit the values of Configuration Editor (of Azure Stack – BillingAdminExtension & BillingRP). Give 8-digit value for uploadReadAheadSize (eg. 10485760)


10. Restart the Billing Agent Service
11. Apply the Pricing profile for required subscriptions

Note: Install OLEDB prior to performing the above steps