1. Stop billing agent service.

      2. Execute the below SQL script to check the value of AzureStackUsageRecordProcessor-AzureStackUsage

SELECT TOP (1000) [StateName]





FROM [CloudAssert.Billing].[dbo].[UsageProcessingStates]

      3. Change the value of AzureStackUsageRecordProcessor-AzureStackUsage appropriately.


4. Restart the Billing Agent service.

      5. Execute the below SQL script.

BILLING.EXE GetAzureStackUsageData <startTime> <endTime> [/usageRequestType:<String>] [/takeBatchSize:<String>] [/AdminSubscriptionId:<String>] [/TenantDirectoryId:<String>] [/ApplicaionId:<String>] [/CertificateThumbprint:<String>] [/AdminArmEndpoint:<String>] [/TokenRequestResourceUrl:<String>] [/AuthorityEndpointUrl:<String>]

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