When we are deploying for the Customers as a fresh instillation, there are a few items that we may need to cross check before proceeding further. Below i have mentioned some of the items in the flow.
1. Making sure that all the installers are installed in the respective machines2. Making sure the credentials of the VConnect DB is set properly in the Database
3. Making sure the template are present in the server and vms are getting created without any error from the VCenter
4. Check if the dtastores, Datacenter and Clusters are available for the connection
5. Making sure the Plan Settings page is configured properly with the template, connection, Networks and quotas.
6. If there is any error in the vm creation, find out which step it is failing. The details in the Operations will give the proper error details for the failed step
7. Alternately, OperationLogs and CallLogs table in the DB can also be queried for the detailed stack trace
8. If the errro doesnot provide much information, better to run the logged script (from debug mode logs folder) for the step in the Windows Powershell ISE of the API machine.
Please refer the other KB artilce on debugging VM creation issue for more information.