Azure Active Directory setup helper for Hybr

Azure Active Directory setup helper for Hybr

AAD Prerequisites 

On completing the steps documented here, below information would be available for configuring Hybr application, 

  1. Directory ID 

  1. Application ID 

  1. Application Client Secret 

  1. Azure Storage account connection string 

  1. Azure Storage queue URL (Optional) 


  1. Obtain Active Directory ID 

  1. Select ‘Azure Active Directory’ service in azure portal 

  1. Click on properties and make a note of ‘Directory ID’ value, this is needed to setup Hybr application 


  1. Application Registration 

  1. Create an app in Azure Tenant Portal 

  1. Select App Registrations service in azure portal 

  1. Click on ‘+ New application registration’ 

  1. Enter the required details and create the application 


  1. Once the application is created, note down the ‘Application ID’ by navigating inside the created application, this is needed to setup Hybr application 




  1. Enable Multi-Tenancy 

If Hybr application needs to be used by tenants who are outside of the current active directory domain, register this application as Multi-tenant application. To enable, Multi-tenancy, navigate to Settings -> Properties and select ‘Yes’ for ‘Multi-Tenanted’ 





  1. Add Reply URLs  


Navigate to Settings -> Reply URLs and add reply URLs for Hybr application and ‘Save’ 

Ex: Below URLs would be required if the application is hosted in 



  1. Add Required Permissions 

Navigate to Settings -> Required Permissions and add permissions for the APIs given below, 

  1. Windows Active Directory 

  1. Sign in and read user profile 

  1. Microsoft Graph 

  1. Sign Users in 

  1. View users’ email address 

  1. View users’ basic profile 

  1. Windows Azure Service Management API 

  1. Access Azure Service Management as organization users (preview) 


  1. Generate Secrete Key 

Navigate to Keys and generate secret key for Hybr application to validate the users. Secret (Password) will be shown saving the keys. Note down this value for configuring Hybr application.  


  1. Create Storage Account 

  1. Select ‘Storage accounts’ in service in azure portal 

  1. Click ‘Add’ to create a storage account 

  1. Enter relevant details and create the account. StorageV2 (generate purpose v2) should be the ‘Account Kind’  


  1. Navigate to the created resource and get connection string (key 1 or 2) from Access keys. This will be configured in Hybr for application logging.  



  1.  [Optional] Create a queue for VConnect - Required only if integration is required with VConnect 

  1. Navigate to ‘Queues’ inside recently created storage account 

  1. Enter queue name and create the queue 




  1. Right click on the recently created queue and select ‘Get Shared Access Signature’.  

  1. Enter relevant start time, expiry time and select time zone.  Note: Make sure that start time is not future time. 

  1. Provide permission for Read, Add, Update and Process 




  1. Click create and note down the URL, this needs to be configured for interactions between Hybr and VConnect service 




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