Error creating VM. Operation 'CreateVM DeployFromTemplateOp' failed. Exception: No space available in datastore 'Name of the Datastore'. Free space required: XX GB
Root Cause:
By default, VConnect would take certain amount (say 100 GB) of space for creating a VM. To change this, search for the value of 'IsSelectDataStoreUsingRealFreeSpace' in the 'AppSettings' Table, it would be set as 'True' (by default), which would not allow us to create a new VMs though we
have enough space in a Datastore.
Udate the value of 'IsSelectDataStoreUsingRealFreeSpace' to 'False' to resolve this storage issue. Please find the SQL query:
update [EnterVconnectTableName].[dbo].[AppSettings] set [Value] = 'false' where [Key] like'IsSelectDataStoreUsingRealFreeSpace'