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    • Exception: Attempted to divide by zero

      Error Details: “Failed due to non-retryable error. Error message: Error creating VM. Operation ‘CreateVM FinishCreateVMOp’ failed. Exception: Attempted to divide by zero.” Step 1: Run the SQL query to get the ComputeInstance have value as 0 for ...
    • Creating & Uploading a new Pricing Profile

      Follow the steps to upload a new Pricing Profile: 1. Download the Azure Stack Meters.xlsx file 2. Fill the sheet with required values (to be filled by Client) 3. Ensure the file should have Sheet1 only. Remove the sheet 2, sheet 3 etc., 4. Save the ...
    • How to enable additional users to see WAP Subscription Resources?

      In Windows Azure Pack you can make a user as a co-admin for a given subscription. This will allow them to view and manage resources under that subscription. For example say you have a project team and you want all the members of the project team to ...
    • How to uninstall VConnect and Usage and Billing?

      If there is a need to retain all existing data (i.e., VMs, subscriptions, etc.) when installing the new version, then refer to UPGRADE INSTALL sections below. If all existing data needs to be cleaned then choose FRESH INSTALL sections below. VCONNECT ...
    • Invoices from Usage and Billing Solutionin WAP is not sent to WHMCS portal

      If the invoices are generated in WHMCS portal with zero amount for the previous month, please delete them and ensure the below steps.   Open ‘CloudAssert.WAP.Billing.AgentService.exe.config’ file located at ‘C:\Program Files\ CloudAssertBilling\ ...